How to integrate a custom Webex Chat Bot with YakChat

How to integrate a custom Webex Chat Bot with YakChat


Adding YakChat to Webex chat enables you to send and receive text messages in the same way as chatting to colleagues. 

You will need admin permission to the Webex Developer and Admin portal to complete the following step by step instructions on this article. For further assistance kindy contact us at if you have any problem.

Step 1:  Add YakChat as a Webex Bot

  1. Open, sign in as an administrator and then click or your avatar (top right) to select My Webex Apps.  
  2. When the My Apps page is displayed, click on the Create a New App button
  3. When the Create a New App page is displayed, click on the Create a Bot button

  4. When the the New Bot page is displayed, complete the following information
  1. Enter the Bot Name and Bot Username of your choice. 
  2. Add the YakChat icon which you can download from here
    The icon needs to be exactly 512x512px
  3. Enter the App Hup description e.g. "Send and receive text messages from a Webex Space".
  4. Once you have completed your form, click Add bot.
The Bot Name is used to create a space to enable new text messages to  sent using Webex Chat and so it needs to be recognizable and found using Search
      e.  Webex will provide a Bot access token. Copy this token and paste it somewhere safe for now as this will be used later in the installation. 

Step 2: Create a new Integration in Webex

  1. Navigate back to the Create a New App page and this time click on the Create an integration button. 

      b. When the New Integration page is opened, complete the following information:
  1. Select "No" for Will this integration use a mobile SDK. 
  2. Enter the Integration name e.g. "YakChat Integration" 
  3. Add the YakChat icon which you can download from here (the icon needs to be exactly 512x512px).
  4. Enter the App Hub Description for example "This integration is used to enable YakChat to send messages from within a Webex space by simply replying to an inbound text message."
  5. Enter the following Redirect URI(s):

      c. Scroll down the page and select the following from the list of Scopes:
    1. spark:memberships_read
    2. spark:messages_read
    3. spark:people_read
    4. spark:rooms_read
    5. spark:rooms_writ
    6. spark:teams_read
There is a long list of scopes and the above are listed in the same order as they appear in the Webex developer portal to make it easier.

      d. Scroll right to the bottom and click the Add Integration button.
      e. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret displayed in the OAuth settings (to be used in the next step)  

Step 3: Add integration details into YakChat

  1. Open the YakChat Admin Portal and navigate to the Integrations page.
  2. Click on the Add button the Webex tile and add the Webex bot token, the client id and the client secret obtained in the above steps.


Step 4: How to use YakChat in Webex chat

Instructions on how to use YakChat in Webex chat to send and receive messages for the first time are provided here