Moving YakChat to a different Microsoft Teams Channel

Moving YakChat to a different Microsoft Teams Channel


A YakChat administrator can move the YakChat inbox to a different Microsoft Teams channel within the same Team with the "Connect" command using the instructions below.

Move YakChat to different Teams channel

Use the "Connect" command to move or connect a YakChat inbox to a different Microsoft Teams channel within the same Team: 
  1. Sign-in with a YakChat administrator account.
  2. Select the Team where YakChat has been installed and then select the Microsoft Teams channel to move the YakChat inbox connection to.  
  3. Initialize the connection by mentioning @yakchat and sending the keyword "connect".  This will prompt YakChat to start the connection process.

If you are only assigned to one shared inbox YakChat will post a confirmation message stating that YakChat has been successfully connected.

If you are assigned to more than one YakChat shared inbox, YakChat will send an adaptive card that enables you to select the inbox to connect with the channel.
  1. Choose the inbox from the pull down list and click the OK button in the adaptive card. 

YakChat will request confirmation to move the YakChat inbox connection to the new Microsoft Teams channel.
  1. Click the OK button confirm moving the the connection.
  2. YakChat will then confirm when the new Teams channel has been successfully connected to the YakChat inbox