Installing YakChat 2.0 into a Microsoft Teams Channel

Installing YakChat 2.0 into a Microsoft Teams Channel


This article provides the step by step guide for installing YakChat 2.0 into a Teams Channel. 

How to Install YakChat 2.0 into Microsoft Teams Channel

Important Note: only Shared inboxes/numbers (Shared Subscription) can only be installed into a Microsoft Teams channel.  

Step 1: Select the Teams Channel

  1. Firstly, download YakChat App for Microsoft Teams and sign in using the instructions here.
  2. Navigate to the Teams channel that you would like YakChat to be added to and click on the add tab ‘+’ button at the top of the Teams channel.
Teams channel YakChat Installation-1

  1. Select the YakChat 2.0 that is displayed in the pop-up window.
Selecting the YakChat App in Microsoft Teams

  1. Click on the ‘Add’ button to add YakChat to the Microsoft Teams channel.
Add YakChat app to Microsoft Teams Channel

Step 2: Sign into YakChat

  1. Click on the ‘Sign in’ button, and sign in using your Microsoft 365 Account ID and password.

Step 3: Select Shared Inbox

The options provided differ depending on the following:
  1. You only have a single YakChat Shared inbox [a] or mutliple inboxes [b] 
  2. You are moving a Shared inbox that is already associated with another Teams channel [c]
Refer to the appropriate section below:

a) Adding a single inbox for the first time 

  1. If you just have one YakChat Shared inbox that has not been previously linked to another channel then simply click on the ‘Confirm’ button to continue. 
Signing into YakChat within a Teams Channel

b) Adding one of multiple Shared inboxes

  1. Select the YakChat Shared Inbox that you wish to associate with your Teams channel and click on the ‘Save’ button.  
Signing into YakChat within a Teams Channel 2

c) Moving a previously linked Shared inbox

  1. Confirm that you wish to unlink the YakChat Shared inbox from the previously linked Teams channel and add to this channel.  If you wish to cancel this process, simply close the window using the ‘x’ or click on the ‘Back’ button to select a different YakChat Shared inbox (if you have multiple inboxes).    
Signing into YakChat within a Teams Channel 3

Step 4: Save to add YakChat

  1. Click on the ‘Save’ button and YakChat will be added as a new ‘YakChat’ tab into your Teams channel.
Signing into YakChat within a Teams Channel 4

Step 5: Sign into the YakChat bot

  1. The YakChat bot can notify your Team when a new text is received as well as send texts by simply typing @yakchat as a Teams Post.  
  2. To enable the YakChat bot type @yakchat as a Teams Post and select ‘Sign in’ from the menu that is displayed (or simply type ‘Signin’)
Signing into YakChat within a Teams Channel 5

Signing into YakChat within a Teams Channel 6

  1. The bot should then confirm that you have successfully signed in.
Signing into YakChat within a Teams Channel 7