How to use shortcuts - Admin Portal

How to use shortcuts - Admin Portal

What are Shortcuts?

Shortcuts are pre-written messages that can be created and added into the text area quickly and easily. You can create signatures, greeting messages, terms of conditions and more, saving them in YakChat so they’re easily accessible to send to your recipients.

Note: In the current implementation, shortcuts made in the Admin portal are global, and everyone in your company will be able to see them.

How to add a Shortcut

1. In the left pane, select Shortcuts
2. Click the + Add Shortcuts button and enter the following:
  1. Name
  2. Message 
3. Click Save

How to Edit and Delete Shortcuts

1. In the left pane, select Shortcuts and locate the shortcut
2. Locate and select the shortcut then select from the following actions


a. Click the Edit  button
b. Edit shortcut window will show and and apply the necessary changes
c. Once done with the changes, click Save 


a.  Click the ellipses icon  and select  Delete Shortcut
b. A confirmation window will show up, type the word DELETE and click Permanently delete button