How to Connect YakChat to your Infobip & Peerless Service

How to Connect YakChat to your Infobip & Peerless SMS Service


YakChat can connect with your Infobip (Peerless) telephony service in 4 easy steps: These are:
  1. Copy the SMS API Token 
  2. Copy the SMS API URL
  3. Set the Callback URL
  4. Send API information to YakChat
After these steps, we’ll then test the connection for you and confirm when everything is set up.

Step 1: SMS API Token

Navigate to the Numbers page by clicking on the Infobip icon and obtain the SMS Service API token using the following steps:
  1. Navigate to Numbers > Your virtual numbers from the left menu.
  2. Select a number that you wish to connect to YakChat and scroll down to the SMS configuration panel making a note of the number selected.
  3. Click on the "Set callback url" hyperlink to display the REST API details.
  4. Scroll down to the Regional API Endpoints panel and copy the URL under "SERVER" column and save to use later.

Step 2: SMS API URL 

Navigate to the Numbers page by clicking on the Infobip icon and obtain the SMS Service API URL using the following steps:
    1. Click on the "Show" hyperlink
    2. Authenticate your user user to display the API Token
    3. Copy and save the token to use later.

    Step 3: Set the Callback URL

    Scroll down to the Callback URLs following steps:
    1. Click on the Edit button
    2. Enter the following URL into the Default URL:

    Step 4: Submit your connection details

    Enter the following Infobip connection details in the the form below:
    1. Select "Infobip" as the SMS service provider
    2. Enter your Infobip API Base URL into Integration Data 1 (from step 1)
    3. Enter your Infobip API Token into Integration Data 2 (from step 2)
    4. The phone number we can use to test the service is working correctly (step 1)