How to Connect YakChat to your Infobip & Peerless Service

How to Connect YakChat to your Infobip (Peerless) SMS Service


YakChat can connect with your Infobip (Peerless) telephony service in 4 easy steps: These are:
  1. Copy the SMS API Base URL
  2. Copy the SMS API Token 
  3. Choose an Infobip Number for Setup and Testing
  4. Send API information to YakChat
After these steps, we’ll then test the connection for you and confirm when everything is set up.

Step 1: SMS API Base URL

This value is automatically created when an account is setup with Infobip.  The easiest way to get this value is to sign in to the Infobip Portal and copy it from the upper right-hand corner of the Infobip Portal Home Page.

Step 2: SMS API Key 

This value has to be generated.  The following steps explain how to setup the key.  
1. Click on “Manage API Keys” from the Infobip Portal Home Page
2. Click on “CREATE API KEY” button at the upper right of the page
  1. Give the key a helpful name
  2. Set an expiration date (several years in to the future)
  3. Define the necessary API Scopes
  4. Under “General” select the following two items
                 1. “inbound-message:read”
                 2.  “message:send”
  5. Under “Channels” select the following 12 items
        1.  “mms:logs:read”
        2.  “mms:manage”
        3.  “mms:message:send”
        4.  “sms:inbound-message:read”
        5.  “sms:logs:read”
        6.  “sms:manage”
        7.  “sms:message:send”
        8.  “whatsapp:conversions”
        9.  “whatsapp:inbound-message:read”
        10.  “whatsapp:logs:read”
        11.  “whatsapp:manage”
        12.  “whatsapp:message:send”
  1. Under “Platform” select the following two items
        1.  “messages-api:manage”
        2.  “messages-api:message:send"
  1. Under “Customer Engagement” select the following three items
        1.  “content-messages:manage”
        2.  “content-messages:read”
        3.  “conversations:manage”

Step 3: Configure your numbers

Choose a number to configure and used for testing:
  1. Navigate to CHANNELS AND NUMBERS > Numbers in the menu on the left
  2. Select the number to configure
  3. Click on the SMS tab and enter the information in the following fields:
    1. "Forward action" Forward to HTTP
    2. "URL":
    3. "Renderer": MO_JSON_2
  4. Click on the MMS tab and enter the information in the following fields:
    1. "Forward action" Forward to HTTP
    2. "URL":
    3. "Renderer": MO_MMS_2

Step 4: Submit your connection details

Enter the following Infobip connection details in the the form below:
  1. Select "Infobip" as the SMS service provider
  2. Enter your Infobip API Base URL into Integration Data 1 (from step 1)
  3. Enter your Infobip API Token into Integration Data 2 (from step 2)
  4. The phone number we can use to test the service is working correctly (step 1)