How to add YakChat in the Webex sidebar

How to add YakChat in the Webex sidebar


Adding YakChat to the Webex sidebar provides instant access to the messaging app. You will need admin permission to the Webex Developer and Admin portal to complete the following step by step instructions and just contact us at if you have any problems.

Step 1: Create an Embedded App

a. Open the, sign in as an administrator and then click on your avatar (top right) to select My Webex Apps.
b. When the My Apps page is displayed, click on the Create a New App button.
c. When the Create a New App page is displayed, click on the Create Embedded App button.

d. When the New Embedded App page is displayed, complete the following information:
  1. Select Sidebar under Where does your app work? 
  2. Enter the app name "YakChat" and the description "SMS for Webex".
  3. Add the YakChat icon which you can download from here           
The icon needs to be exactly 512x512px

e. Scroll down the page to enter the following information:
  1. Enter the "" as the Valid domains.
  2. Enter as the Start page URL.
  3. Select Always-on App support tick box.
  4. Click the Add Embedded App button at the bottom of the page to create the app.

Step 2: Approve the Embedded App

a. The new embedded app must be approved you your Webex administrator. Go to your Webex Control Hub at and sign-in as an administrator.
  1. Select Apps in the left side menu.
  2. Select Embedded Apps along the top tabs and then click on the Private tab to display the list of private apps that require approval.

b. Select the new Embedded App that you created in the previous step which will open a panel on the right hand side.  Enter the following settings:
  1. Click on the Approved radio button and choose whether to approve for All users or groups of users.
  2. Tick the Recommended tick box.
  3. Turn on the in the Show app in sidebar and Make always on switches in the Sidebar settings section.
  4. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page and check that the embedded app is showing as "Approved".
c. Scroll down and enter the following settings:
  1. Turn on the in the Show app in sidebar switch
  2. Turn on Make always on switch
  3. Click on the Save button at the bottom of the page and check that the embedded app is showing as "Approved".

Step 3: Access YakChat from the Webex sidebar

When a user signs in, the YakChat embedded app will show at the bottom of the left hand sidebar in Webex.  Simply click on the app to display the YakChat messaging app.      

You may need to re-sign in to the Webex app for the embedded app to be added to the sidebar.